Facebook revisited

I recently posted a piece speculating what floatation might mean for Facebook. At that time my view was that the brand's biggest asset was its followers, many of whom had an irrational, emotional attachment. Many of these fans were likely to want a slice of the business in the same way that football fans buy... Continue Reading →

Is it time to bring behaviourism back into strategies?

In the golden age of 1950's advertising, the Mad Men days, one of the driving disciplines was psychology. It was the new kid on the marketing block, driven by two factors. Firstly, there was the development of sophisticated measurement techniques. This grew out of academic research methods and was translated into the new discipline of... Continue Reading →

Is there an ideal number of syllables for a social media brand?

There has been an explosion of brand names in the social network sector and though they differ widely there are some underlying similarities. I was working on a new brand project in the social arena and was assembling a list of competitive companies which the new brand needed to stand alongside. Looking at this wide... Continue Reading →

Brand value is not about control of social media.

I was attending a digital marketing conference last week and I heard a speaker talking about social media say, and I quote, 'The value of a brand is diminished because we, marketers, have less control.' That's right - I did a double-take too, but he repeated the same incendiary statement. I struggled to understand what... Continue Reading →

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